A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

This is a 3D first-person shooter Unity project for Game Design and Development 3: 3D Shooter course.
Here is a game with two levels. The target in the levels is to go through a portal. Shoot the enemies, collect pickups, get the key, open the door and reach the level portal.


  • Design Modifications (these are more design intensive)
    • "Modify the out-of-game menus in some significant and meaningful way":
      • added instructions pages with additional buttons for navigating between the pages.
  • Aesthetic (Visual/Audio) Modifications (these are more art intensive)
    • "Add additional significant and coherent graphical elements to the game, such as new enemies or environmental challenges, complete with animated states":
      • added 3D texts with hints that describe surrounding objects. The hints appear when the player is 100 meters close.
  • Gameplay Modifications (these are more system/programming intensive)
    • "Add new player abilities, such as modified controls, additional moves, or additional power-ups":
      • added a new player control that is collecting pickups nearby by pressing the P keyboard key. You still can collect pickups by touching them, but sometimes it is more comfortable to press the key (for example, near the enemy spawners). 
    • "Modify the in-game GUI in some significant way":
      • added a page with the description of the level target at the beginning of each level. When the page is active, enemies and players cannot shoot;
      • added minimap that shows the player as a blue circle, enemies as red circles, and level end portal as a green circle. It can be useful to track if there are enemies behind the player.

Created by Olha Laviahina with assets by Michigan State University.


Windows.zip 77 MB
macOS.zip 74 MB

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